Rita On The Road Episode 12: Friends of UNLV Jazz; Dress for Success Southern Nevada; Trumpeters Alliance to Perform Patriotic Services (T.A.P.P.S.)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
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Unknown Speaker 0:04
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Unknown Speaker 0:19
Broadcasting from the entertainment capital of the world, this is Rita on the road in Las Vegas. I'm your host, Rita Pardew on K you win V 91.5, jazz and more. Our mission for this program is to highlight the people in Las Vegas who work tirelessly at nonprofit organizations. On Part One, a conversation with Robert and Shirley Kramer, the founders and directors of friends of UNLV jazz, part two, we will be speaking with Norma entry Jago, Executive Director of dress for success. And part three, we catch up with trumpeters alliance to perform patriotic Services, also known as taps, co founders Larry ransom president and Gary Cordell Director of Operations fill us in on what this nonprofit is doing. And now, part 190 1.5, jazz and more. This is Rita on the road in studio for this episode, we're speaking with friends of UNLV, jazz, Robert and Shirley Kramer, who are the founders and directors. I have a little bit of a history with these two. So Bob, and Shirley. Welcome. I'm so glad you could come in today. Thank you so much. Thank you. We're glad to be here. Well, let's talk a bit about what is the history of this organization. And I'm proud to say Folks, today I officially became a friend of the U N L V jazz organization. Hurray. Thank you. Thank you so much. You guys are now members of KU when v. So welcome aboard and part of the KU envy family. Well, let's talk about when did you start your nonprofit? How did this come about? Well, what's interesting is we saw the need of starting something because they didn't have a program. I asked Dave Loeb, who's wonderful person, the director of UNLV, jazz and commercial music, I said, how do people donate to you? And he said, Well, we don't really have a system. And I said, really? I said, Well, why don't we set something up. And this was done before COVID. And we started it and we went to the Dean's, we worked everything out and all the paperwork and everything and what it would take so that they had an organization, a 501 c three organization that they could donate money to. And we were going to be the founders and directors. And basically we show it up at every concert. And we have a donation materials and informational materials. And all this stuff. Nancy Asscher and her team at the fine arts department were just extraordinary helping us set this thing up. And that was basically what about three years ago? Yeah, three, four years ago, and we just started and then COVID hits Oh, boy. So it sounds like 2019 rolling, and then we picked up again in 2020. But we had pretty well everything ready to go. So it wasn't that hard to start again. Yes, you get everything. Well, folks, this is a organization that if you love music, and following here in Las Vegas, everything that the UNLV musicians and students are doing, let's give a phone number. So and we'll give it several times throughout this interview. But how can people reach you, Bob? Well, my my cell is how you would reach me you can text me or call me. And the number is 702-810-6959. And basically, you know, if I get a text or anything, I'll get in touch with you. And we'll send you materials for the program and schedules and and donation forms and just whatever you need. But most of the stuff that we do for donations is actually done at the concerts by people coming in and you know, talking to us and right, that's how I kind of connected with you all to I was a volunteer for essentially, Ellington and I noticed you're wearing that today. On your shirt. I had a marvelous time at that at that event. It was great. I also was looking around the UNLV College of Fine Arts on the website. And so folks, if you would like to know more information, that's a great resource. You can go to UNLV College of Fine Arts and then scroll down and you'll find friends of UNLV jazz. We'll give that another time during this interview. So if you if you missed it the first go round, you know, you haven't missed out because we'll let you know again. Well, it kind of sounds like your history also kind of coincided with the mission. You saw that there was a need a need out there. Let's move on to the next thing. What accomplishments How have you been able to help the students and the musicians and I had learned that
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had through social media that the students actually were on tour in Italy, this. So how were you involved with making that happen for the UNLV musicians? Well, through our donations, we were able to raise the money and get those students have an experience that I don't think they'll ever forget. Oh my goodness, while I was speaking with Dave Lowe, who's the professor at UNLV, jazz and commercial music, having him describe it, oh, my goodness, he was saying not only the the wonderful venues, but they actually performed at one of the top Italian jazz clubs. And he said, You could hear a pin drop, that the students were just phenomenal. That's amazing. And I'm glad that you're all a part of it. And that's only part of it. We have a flyer that lists that the money can go to sheet music to different little things that they need. They need to get their keep their program going. We also get donation to do their CD. That's right. Oh, my goodness. So that's part of it, too. Yeah. So maybe we should go back and really identify what are the needs. So the music, probably paying a Rangers I guess, for whatever songs that they select. And then not only we have stuff from anywhere from $25 to $30,000, oh my gosh.
Unknown Speaker 6:20
$30,000 Rita, tell you what you would get oh,
Unknown Speaker 6:25
for instance, $25 supports general program expenses. $100, would purchase a jazz arrangement for an award winning Jazz Ensemble $750 would pay a new student to participate in recording tour of neighboring states. So you go all the way down to $30,000, which would establish a scholarship endowment fund to provide scholarship support and perpetuity and the whole purpose of the money coming in basically, the way we see it now, I think, is to get the UNLV jazz program out so that people can see it. If they go to New Orleans, if they go to Italy or whatever. And a student is a good jazz player, Dave is really good at seeing who's playing in the local area where he's in, and then he can talk them into you know, visiting a campus and And bingo, you keep getting the best musicians in the country in here. And we try and keep them in Nevada. Oh UNLV. But let's talk a bit about the upcoming concerts that are because I think there's probably one that will be happening today, October 22. Yep. And where will that be? And what time, okay, that's going to be at the Clark County Library or the flamingo library. And it's 1403, I believe, East Flamingo Road. And it's right next to the campus. It's just off of Maryland Parkway. And that will be the Joe Williams scholarship combo. And they won the Monterey Jazz Festival a number of times, and they've been given downbeat awards. And if you go to that concert, they are just phenomenal. Would you agree? Surely, yes. You know, I've ended these concerts. And I've I number one, I'm so impressed with Clark County Library System, having full on stages, dressing rooms, I've never been, you know, to libraries that are so well equipped. So folks, it's a wonderful venue, there's not a bad seat in the house. And then I guess you all will be there in the lobby. And you can become a friend of UNLV jazz. That's true. And, and there's no cost. It's free at the library. I know that was amazing. All the concerts there that UNLV What's On at you at the library, they're all free? Well, how can our listeners get involved and show support, I guess number one, come to the concert, concert, comm a friend, or give a call. And if they want a list of the concerts where they are, you know, Bob can email him or send him the information. And even though we started this four years ago, it's still a work in progress as far as you know, getting a website and all this other stuff. Because Dave and the kids and the program are so busy doing concerts. Here's a list of all their concerts. Oh my goodness, awesome oh page exactly for this year and next year, and they're so busy that it's very hard to concentrate on raising money. Well, let's give the phone number one more time. And then folks, if you want to go to the UNLV College of Fine Arts and scroll down on that page, you'll find friends of you in the LV jazz, and that probably also would list all the upcoming concert dates as well. So the phone number one more time. 702-810-6959 Well, I've enjoyed speaking with Robert and Shirley Kramer, the founders and directors of friends of UNLV jazz, thank you so much for coming in today. Thank you for having Thank you for having us.
Unknown Speaker 10:08
And now, part 290 1.5, jazz and more. This is Rita on the road. But for today I'm in studio with Norma intr Iago, who's the executive director for dress for success. Welcome. Thank you Rita for having me. I'm so glad that you could come in because I'm, I'm familiar with your organization, it was many years ago, and along with our listeners, we want to be updated what's going on. So several times during this interview, we're going to be sharing your website. So I'm going to make sure I have this correct dress for success. Southern Nevada, and that's all spelled out.org. Is that correct? Perfect. Yes. Yes. And folks, if you want to get in touch with Norma, here's an email very easy to remember info at d. F. S, standing for dress for success, Southern nevada.org and the southern and then Nevada, all spelled out. All right. And we'll give that again not to worry. All right. Well, let's start off. What is your mission? Because I'm sure it's evolved over the years. Yeah. So dress for success is the leading employment nonprofit employment resource for women. And our mission is to help empower women so that they can be economically self sufficient, so they can achieve economic independence. And we do that in different ways. We do that by providing them professional attire, the development tools that they need professionally, to move forward, and a network of support. That's a huge component of dress for success to make sure that our women know that they are supported, and we're helping them through their employment journey. I wonder how long the history for here in Southern Nevada, how long have you been around here? We've been around for over 13 years here in Southern Nevada, serving underemployed and unemployed women, anyone who identifies as female 16. And up I understand now, it's expanded so much. It's a global organization. Yeah, actually, it started in New York, it is global. We have a global reach. So we're in different cities, we're over 100 affiliates, in over 25 countries worldwide, we have very much a local reach. So here dress for success, Southern Nevada, we're filed as our own 501 C three in the state of Nevada. So we pretty much the way we work is really addressing the needs of the local woman. So yes, while we're a global movement, we take a local approach to our service model. How does one get in touch with you, as far as how do you identify who has the greatest need that you can reach out to and help? Yeah, so we definitely address as you said, the greatest needs. We work with over 150 nonprofit partners, who refer women to us meaning women that are not getting the help that they need. And the answer is dress for success. But woman now and we've seen it, we had to repave it and do things differently, post the pandemic, the needs have grown so great in our Southern Nevada community, women have the ability to self refer now, and so that they can reach out to us directly and request our services. And in speaking of of your website, I'll give that once again, dress for success, Southern nevada.org. When I was checking on that, I saw that you know that there are links that you fill out the form or someone can be referred to your organization. You were mentioning about career coaching, and job readiness that is so important. The past few years, I have been a mentor for a Latina young woman and just going around to colleges and that but we really identified she wanted to be her her own boss and be an entrepreneur. And I think you know, I'm so proud of young Natalie. So how does it could you kind of step us through maybe there's an example of someone you could share that you've coached and helped? Sure. So for a woman whose life has shifted, or let's say post a pandemic, who lost a job and needs to re enter the workforce, we help that woman get job ready, meaning she may not have the professional clothing for the interview. But we also prepare for the interview. We assist her with her resume, she is matched one on one with a career coach to help address her specific needs and practice that interview so she can land and secure the job and she's also matched with an image consultant, a personal stylist who will see her through because we want to make sure that we help her through that process with those recommendations so that the job that she is targeting is the job that she secures. Wow. As you were describing that I thought Oh Mike
Unknown Speaker 15:00
Dennis what confidence building that must be the result after having all these tools to help the help the woman to be ready, this is great. Well, how can our listeners get involved with this organization? Because I think it's, you know, as I'm hearing you describe everything is something really you could get behind. Oh, absolutely. Dress for Success really. As far as listeners, the best way is to give up your time really to volunteer and give up your dollars. Every cent goes to the woman that we serve. We are a mean and lean team of three, serving over 1000 Women annually we average about 12 51,250 woman that we serve every year. And not only with that job readiness and career coaching are the professional attire, right? We want her to keep the job stay on the job and get promoted. We want to address equity, right? Because you if we give everyone a shoe, the shoe may not fit everyone, right? So we want it to fit their size. We want to meet our woman where they're at, in their journey to help them get ahead so they can thrive in work in in life. So it's a it's an it's not a one off. It's a it's a journey and so are our listeners can support by volunteering as an image consultant as a stylist. As a mentor which you spoke. Mentorship is so critical and so important. As a career coach, they can review resumes, they are they can assist in the boutique, they can help us process the donations that receive the clothing donations. We also have a computer literacy program where we upskill and rescale woman so you know getting those refurbished, refurbished laptops, helping us accept those, making sure that the clothing attire is professional and that we can receive them. So merchandising in the warehouse, there are so many ways to activate. Our volunteers really are part of the heart, the engine that keeps us going. And then giving of your dollars. Every dollar counts. No gift is too small. Every giver is a large giver, in you know in my eyes and in my mind so that we can uplift women. Women are the key to economic strength. When you invest in a woman you in turn invest in her family, she in turn is going to give it back to her children, her partner her community, it is the best return on investment that you can make full circle. That's why we'll circle Well, you mentioned about being lean and mean for only a small staff. What are your hours? How do people get in touch and make these appointments to come in? So we function by appointment, and that's very important. You addressed earlier the self esteem piece. Oftentimes women pour a lot on an empty cup and they don't pour enough into themselves, especially if you've had setbacks if you live in poverty, so it's all by appointment because we want that woman to dedicate the time. We work in a hybrid schedule Tuesday through Saturdays. The best time for appointments are Wednesdays and Saturdays to give women the flexibility. So if you email us at info DFS Southern nevada.org or call us at the general number, we'll make sure the best is for an appointment is to email us and we'll make sure to accommodate us comedy. Awesome, awesome. Well, I know you have a huge event coming up soon. Probably your it's the biggest fundraiser of the year. So tell us about the diamond dig. Absolutely. It is the biggest and most sparkly and fun fundraiser of the year. It is on gala like in other words, right now we are selling general admission tickets $75 to attend the party to have drinks to have amazing food and to participate in the diamond dig in partnership with MJ Kristus and diamonds you can literally dig for diamonds gemstones or diamond pendant necklace. It's priced about $3,000 close to that the raffles amazing prices. It's really a celebration of female empowerment and what we can do when we come together the radical generosity of our Las Vegas community. So please go to our website, get your tickets, activate join and if you're a client, please reach out to us if you're a woman that needs support. We are there for you and we'll give you that support with the utmost dignity and sisterhood. You have done a great job I am so glad that we've been talking to Norma entry Jaco who's the executive director for dress for success here in Las Vegas. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for having me and join us for Diamond dig next week Thursday at the T mobile arena. from six to 9pm. Go to our website, buy your tickets, they're on sale now.
Unknown Speaker 19:45
And now part 390 1.5 Jazz and more. This is Rita on the road. I'm actually in the K you in V performance studio. And we have the pleasure having in studio
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With us today, Gary Cordell and Larry ransom, who are the co founders, and Larry's, the president of this organization, and Gary is the director of operations for a group called taps. And that stands for trumpeters alliance to perform patriotic services. Gentlemen, welcome. Thanks for having me. Thank you. Yes. Let's start off and would you share, please what is the history of taps, and I'll make sure t A p p. S. So everyone knows, tell us the history about this group. So my wife, his grandfather was a BT 29 pilot in World War Two, and he flew 25 missions over Japan, his incredible hero, one of the youngest pilots, which back then was called the Army Air Corps wasn't even the Air Force yet. And so when he passed away in 2012, the family asked me to play taps for him. And of course, I was just so nervous out of my mind, I thought, here's this heroic guy, larger than life, I'm gonna go up there and just chip notes and sound terrible. And so I call Gary, who's the best trumpet player, I know besides me, right? You ask a trumpet player, that's always the answer. But I said, Man, you got to come and do echo taps with me, which is a version of taps, where one will play near the family, and one will sound an echo from afar. And I thought, worst case scenario, I'm too nervous to go. And I'll just put Gary in for me.
Unknown Speaker 21:34
Or will actually pull off echo taps, and it'll be a really, really wonderful tribute for an amazing man. And we went ahead and I got the nerve. Because honestly, you can fly a B 2925 times over Japan. And I can't play 24 notes on a trumpet. I think that would be a little silly, right? So we went, we went ahead on it. It sounded really good. Honestly, Gary's an amazing guy to have to play with. And so I don't know if you've been to many military funerals. But the honor guard doesn't stick around. They've got sometimes six or eight of them a day that they have to go play for.
Unknown Speaker 22:08
But they did. They stuck around. And in fact, one of the gentlemen on the honor guard that time was actually the command, the current commander of the honor guard at Nellis Air Force Base. And they caught up with us in the parking lot. And they said, you know, guys, everybody should get that. And we kind of looked at him and said, I don't know what you mean, doesn't everybody? And his answer was no. And that's when he explained to us that right now, most veterans are honored with a recording of taps. So there will be a bugle there. But there's going to be a speaker inside of it. And they just push a button. And it sounds a recording of taps, not an actual live performance of it. And we kind of got saddened by that a bit. And we ended up staying in the parking lot there palm Eastern after the funeral for about an hour and a half trying to figure out how we can actually do it.
Unknown Speaker 22:58
So that was the birthplace of the birthplace attack. Well, let's for our listeners benefit. And we'll give this a couple of times, let's offer a website and a phone number, if that's available, and because I know we have a lot of retirees here in the Las Vegas area, and many people that have served, let's offer a website and a phone number. So the website is www dot t A p p s, Nevada, spelled out.org. So taps nevada.org, and you can reach us at 702-354-3386. That answers my question about the history of it, but it also covers the mission of it, you know, because you saw a need out there, you know, a recording is is nice, and if that's all what is available, but I'm sure this is so meaningful for the families. Which leads me to the next step, you know, people need to earn their their livings be compensated the gas to get out there. So so how do people donate and you know, to and what are the dollars used for, you know, that's what I'm thinking, the gas just to get to wherever the location is. So we we factor our cost per service at about $65. And so when we people can go to our website, and they can say pay it forward to one veteran or two veterans or, or however many they can feel comfortable doing. But yeah, each one of our musicians then is is covered for their gaps and their time and all that stuff that they're taking to volunteer, because the vast majority of our our funerals are out in Boulder City, which is generally a three hour commitment in the day to play at the Veterans Cemetery. Right, exactly. So people can go right to the website and donate there. That's great. I would like to point out though, that even though we do accept donations, and we are organization, we do pay
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There are guys a small fee to do this. We do not solicit this, this service is performed free of charge. If you engage our organization, the bugler is provided free of charge for your for your service. You guys are pros, you're professionals. Well, how about fundraising events? So what happens with that? Do you have anything coming up? So we have an annual fundraising event we, through through my friends over at Community Lutheran Church, they have graciously opened their church to us and provided us a home. And every year since 2017, I believe, right? It's about about 2017. We've had an annual fundraiser in around Veterans Day. And it's usually on a Sunday afternoon. And we always have some sort of veterans theme. And this year, it's going to be on November 12, at 2pm at 2pm. And we'd love everybody to come out, we're going to have an amazing lineup, some of the best musicians in town that are going to be backing up some of the most well known singers here in town, and they always come out to help us raise funds. So please come see us November 12 2pm. At community Lutheran Church, near Tropicana and Sanyo sounds great, wild question, but do you need more trumpeters? Or how do you find the trumpeters to get involved with your your organization? You know, that's a great question. So right now we have enough to fill what we're doing right now, which is about 250 funerals a year.
Unknown Speaker 26:43
But we do have hopes because we're only touching the surface of even what we need here in Las Vegas to cover all the veterans that pass every year. So we were going to need them at some point, I would think they'd have to have a special heart for it. You know, this wouldn't be just anyone's gig sensitive guys here, folks that we've sensitive guys that do this and really are very caring. Well, let's give the website one more time and the phone number because I see our time is really escaping us. So website and phone number. www dot Tapps. Ta p p s, Nevada, spelled out.org. And the phone number is 702-354-3386. And any closing thoughts about what you do or anything of the future? Absolutely. I just want to say that you know, we have a saying in our organization. These are the most 24 meaningful and important notes that you will play for someone to honor someone that has given their life for the country and to honor the family that also served to so it is something that means a lot to us in our organization. Well thank you to Gary Cordell and Larry ransom from trumpeters alliance to perform patriotic services. Gentlemen, thank you. Thank you. Thank you to our guests, Robert and Shirley Kramer from friends of UNLV jazz, Norma entry Iago with dress for success. And Larry ransom and Gary Cordell with trumpeters alliance to perform patriotic Services, also known as taps. If you missed any portion of this program, you can find it archived on the KU when v.org podcast page. Until next time, this is Rita Pardew, with Rita on the road, closing out this episode, with echo taps performed by Larry ransom and Gary Cordell on 91.5 Jazz and more
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